Monday, May 13, 2019

Updates and announcements

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts and notes of appreciation last week! I was so grateful and my heart is full.

We have an exciting two weeks coming up! Our Capitol field trip is on 5/15, the summer birthday celebration is on 5/17, the 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony is on 5/22, and the last day of school is on 5/24!

Fifth Grade Promotion is coming up quickly! The event is on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:30 pm in the gym. Students should be in their seats by 5:20. Students should dress in nice clothes that one might wear to a wedding or church service. Uniform guidelines still apply for length of skirts, etc.

The tall tales turned out beautifully last week! I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I did.

Our week in learning

Students have learned all of the idioms in our curriculum! We may use this time to catch up on some that we missed.

The roots study guide for #76-100 is due on Wednesday, May 15th. The test will be on Wednesday, May 22nd.

Students will recite the poem “A Bird Came Down the Walk” during the week of 5/13.

In Literature, we will give class time for students to work on their Across Five Aprils newspaper. Please refer to their packet with the calendar of due dates for more information.

In Grammar, we will be working on reading segments from “A Wrinkle in Time”, followed by Touchstones-like discussions. This will not have any homework.

This week in science, students will finish their brief study of the nervous system. We will continue our study of neurons, and then learn about the major parts of the brain as well as their function Students should expect to fill out a small portion of the study each night until Wednesday. On Thursday, we will review the study guide as a class in preparation for Friday’s test. Because this is such a quick unit, students will be allowed to use their study guide for the last 15 minutes of the test.

This week in History, students will begin their final unit for the year, on the Cultures and Conflicts of Native Americans from before settlers came to North America to the end of the 19th century. The first half of this unit will be studied and taught this week by the students, in the form of a group project and presentation. The class will be split into groups of 7, and given three days to prepare a presentation on one of four chapters. Presentations will occur on Friday. All work should be able to be completed during class time.

In math, we will review on Monday, then take the annual Singapore assessment on Tuesday and Thursday. We will then move into a very short crash course in the basics of Algebra! There will be no math groups this week.