We made it! Our
students have worked so hard this quarter! I have a few updates for you before
the break starts.
*I have
documentation from all students who have their science fair posters finished!
You will not get an email confirmation unless they did not complete the poster.
*Science packet
grades are on the last page of the packet. Students may want these while they
prepare for their presentations after Fall Break. Science Fair essays will go
home to parents at Parent-Teacher conferences.
Conferences are after break. Please sign up for a 30 minute slot to meet with
me and Ms. White. Here is the link to the sign-up:
*Specials Parent-Teacher Conference Sign up: 2-5 Specials Conference Sign-up
*Ms. White and I
have been working tirelessly to get your child’s quarter one grades complete
before they leave for Fall Break. All work from quarter one, including the
history test, history notebook grade, science fair essay grade sheet, roots
test, science notebook grade, and open note science test, are coming home
today. One quick note-the grades assigned to the field trip paragraphs refer to
their handwritten final drafts, not the typed final draft. Please review the
contents of their signed folder.
Have a wonderful
Fall Break!