Updates and announcements
It was so great getting to meet
with all of you last week to talk about your wonderful children. I hope
everyone enjoyed their three-day weekend. Mine was spent sewing baby quilts.
We will be starting block
scheduling this week! Students are very excited to be switching classrooms.
They will have Science with Ms. Canfield and Writing/Grammar with Ms. Speagle. Classroom
teachers are still responsible for assigning and reporting grades. Ms. White
will be with them while they switch classes.
With the second week starting,
students will be calling home when they have late homework assignments. For example,
if an assignment was due on Monday and it is not turned in by Tuesday at
recess, they will call home to inform a parent that they have a late assignment
and it is now a zero in the gradebook. Please note that this is NOT to burden
parents, or to have parents bring in the assignment, it is just to inform the
parent. Students will always leave a message if needed.
The Science Fair is this
Wednesday! Please come to see your child’s hard work on display.
Our Read-a-thon celebration
will take place on Tuesday, October 31st. Be on the lookout for a sign
up from our wonderful class parents.
Our week in learning
This week, students will start
block for Writing and Grammar. They will be reviewing organization of a
well-constructed paragraph.
We will start reading Where the
Red Fern Grows this week. They will be working on a comprehension packet.
There will be a weekly roots
quiz on Wednesday.
Poetry recitations will take
place next Wednesday, November 1st.
In science this week, students will begin their classification
unit, studying the animal kingdom and several different phyla and classes. They
will learn the traits of different kinds of animals and how scientists
distinguish them from one another. Additionally, students will put their roots
skills to work learning species’ scientific names in Latin. There will be an
open-note take-home quiz on Friday.
This week in History, students will begin learning about the
Reformation. We will be addressing this topic as a historical event-not
labeling “good” and “bad”. Students will be learning about the objective
corruptions within the Catholic church at this time, then the
Counter-Reformation, and lastly, the Reformation’s effect on science. This
week, we will focus on other important people of the Reformation, including
Zwingli, Calvin, and briefly, Henry VIII. We will get to have an enrichment day
going over Henry VIII more in-depth after the unit is finished. On Wednesday,
students will take the Midwest, Great Plains, and Rocky Mountain Region
location quiz. We will also learn about our own Southwest region of the United
States. Please note that there will be a 50 states location test before
Thanksgiving Break.
This week in Math, students will continue with our fractions unit.
We will work on converting measurements and solving word problems. Our unit
test will be next week. There will be math groups this Wednesday, 8:00-9:00.