Monday, January 30, 2017

Updates and announcements

Clubs are still available for sign up! Check the Archway Arete newsletter for the link to the list and sign up.

Great Hearts Day is fast approaching. Keep an eye out for an email for volunteers for our classroom celebration.

Athletic Field Day is Friday, February 17 from 8:30-11:00 for K-2 classes and from 12:00-2:30 for grades 3-5.  Each year classes are assigned a Greek City State for their team.  This year, our team is Cornith, and our team color is red.  There will be no school lunch offered on Athletic Field Day.  Please send your child to school with a lunch.  
In order to have Athletic Field Day run smoothly, we need your help!  Coach Rubino & Coach Steinmann need volunteers setting up and running the events.  Please sign up here to help with the events.  Also, we need a few volunteers for class to help with donating a cooler and snacks.  Please email Mrs. Lynch to sign up to be a classroom volunteer or if you could donate a cooler or snacks.  
Please have your child wear a red color t-shirt that day. students may decorate their shirts with their team name and/or symbol of their Greek City State. Students should wear athletic clothing free of pop culture references. Sports teams and brand logos are acceptable clothing. Athletic shoes are mandatory (any color). Hats and sunglasses may be worn. Sunscreen must be applied at home. Please see pg. 52 in the family handbook for more detailed information. 

Class picture day will be on February 16th.

Our week in learning

We are enjoying reading The Secret Garden and identifying character traits as we read. We are focusing on finding textual evidence to support our inferences and opinions as we read.

This week in grammar we will be learning about transitive verbs and will introduce transitive and intransitive verbs. We will also be discussing our next writing project. Students will be writing a research paper over one of our explorers from our History Unit. The will be bringing home a packet today with all the information and a signature page to complete. This will be a long term project culminating in class presentations with a poster board. Please be on the lookout for this to come home tonight!

We will have our quiz over Roots 59-61 on Wednesday.  Students should study these nightly!

Poem recitations of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost will be Wednesday, February 1st. We will also be learning our new poem, I, Too, by Langston Hughes.

We will continue to learn about the plant kingdom. We are learning about seed plants and Angiosperms specifically this week. There will be a quiz on the parts of a flower on Feb. 2nd.

This week, students will continue to learn about the Age of Exploration. We will be covering Marco Polo, the technology used during this time period, motives for travel, and the prominent Portuguese explorers, Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama.

We began our next unit covering decimals on Friday, and we will continue this week, learning to order, add, and subtract decimals. We will be having math groups on Wednesday and a short quiz on Thursday. Math tests over Unit 6 went home on Friday. This was a very challenging unit and a difficult test. Therefore, as a team we decided to grade this test on a curve, and we will be revisiting these concepts later in the year.