Updates and announcements
It was so nice to see some of
you at the Math and Phonics night last week! If you were unable to attend and
would like the completed handout, please let me know.
There will be no school this
Be on the look out for an email
from our class parents with a sign-up genius for our upcoming celebration!
With the upcoming Science Fair project
due, please note that we are taking measures to alleviate some student work
next week, such as a catch-up day to complete the history study guide in class,
and an open note test in science (which should not require too much studying if
their notes are complete).
Our week in learning
This week in Language Arts, students
will begin the writing process with pre-writing tools such as graphic
organizers and outlines. They will be composing a descriptive essay about an
imaginary field trip their class took. Please look for rough drafts coming home
to help your students with spelling and grammar checks!
This week in literature, students will
finish The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and update their notebooks in
preparation for the last literature test of the quarter. They will be expected
to place the events of the children’s adventures in the order that they
Finally, students will be preparing for
their Latin and Greek Roots (1-25) test on Thursday.
In science, we will begin to wrap up their chemistry unit, delving
into the structure of the Periodic Table and how atomic properties give the
Table its order. They will learn how atomic weights were discovered and that
the order of the Periodic Table is extraordinarily regular. There will be an
open-note chemistry quiz on Friday, October 6.
This week in History, students will continue learning about the
Renaissance, focusing discussion with the Castiglione and Machiavelli readings,
and the Renaissance in northern Europe. Study guides are going home today and
will be due on Monday, 10/2. With their Science Fair essays due on the same
day, we will have a catch up day on Thursday for students to finish any
incomplete notes, work on their study guides, and study for their test. The
Renaissance test will be on Tuesday, 10/3. There will be a states location quiz
covering the South, Mid-Atlantic, and New England regions this Wednesday 9/27.
We will be learning about the Midwest region of the United States this week.
This week in Math, students will continue with our fractions unit.
We will work on understanding the relationship between fractions and division,
addition of fractions, and subtraction of fractions. Math groups will continue
this Wednesday, 8:00-8:45.