Sunday, August 21, 2016

Updates and Announcements:

Curriculum Night
You are cordially invited to our Curriculum Night event, taking place on Wednesday, August 24th (grades 3-5). The even starts at 6:00 p.m. in the Arete gymnasium, with opening remarks from Mr. Gillingham, Ms. Pantalena, and Mrs. Mason.

The purpose of this even is to acquaint you with the school’s curriculum and individual classroom procedures across all grade levels. Teachers will give parents an opportunity to ask questions. (Please note, this is a parent only event.) We look forward to seeing you there!
Math Centers will start this week. I have contacted some parents to help, but more would be ideal so we can work in smaller groups. This means students get more individual attention during Math Centers. Parents who volunteer must have their Fingerprint Clearance Card. Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering.

Please aim to drop students off by 7:40. We have an “A” schedule, which means that our Special class (Music, Art, PE, French) starts at 7:55. Our morning looks like this: the bell rings at 7:50 and I start calling attendance. If there is an absent student, I mark them absent. After announcements at about 7:53, I call the absent students again (just in case they came during announcements). Then I send in our attendance by the time we leave at 7:55. I try to give grace when I can, but I need to turn in attendance before we leave for Special. Students who are late will need to stop by the office for a late pass. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

We will have a Roots quiz every Wednesday. Students will be quizzed over the previous week’s roots plus one bonus root from a different week. Students can come to expect these just like weekly Spalding tests.

Our week in learning:

This week, students will be preparing for their first unit test on Spacial Sense. The unit test is on Wednesday in their homerooms. We will be studying U.S. geography throughout the year. Originally, this is all supposed to be one unit in May, but we have split it up into different regions. Students will start with an introduction lesson this week, with more lessons between units. We will have periodic quizzes and a final exam toward the end of the year. We will also start their new unit, World Lakes, on Friday. We will be looking into the major lakes of Africa.

Students will be applying their knowledge of scientific investigation, once again, in an interactive science experiment. Through this week’s lab they will learn how to share their scientific findings with others. The following week, we will be doing an engineering lab to explore dependent and independent variables. I am requesting donations of a few materials. Please follow the sign-up genius link if you are willing to donate. I need the materials by August 26th. Thanks!

In writing and grammar this week we will be taking a break from grammar and focusing on writing summaries.  We will be reading both narrative and expository texts and will develop a well written summary of six to seven sentences.

This week in math, students will be multiplying and dividing by 10’s, 100’s, and 1000’s. Students will also be preparing for their first unit test on Friday.