Updates and announcements
I hope everyone had a restful weekend! Even though we are learning remotely, I feel the pressure to get everything ready for the end of the year, like our Promotion ceremony. A separate email with additional information will be coming later today.
We will have a special Zoom call this week for students to read their promotion speeches for the class. Ms. Vaughn and I will choose the final speech that we will use for our Promotion ceremony. The special Zoom will be on Thursday, May 7th, 2:00 pm.
Thank you so much for the Teacher Appreciation gift! I look forward to using the Sprouts gift card that was inside.

Gustav found a new sleepy spot while I work. Can you find him?
Gustav belly!
Nap time!
Cosmo joined Gustav in the sleepy spot.
The most perfect homemade oat milk latte
Cosmo and Dr. Lynch
More Gustav belly
Yet another sleepy spot for Gustav
A new project started! This will be a little girl quilt. She likes bold and crazy, pink and purple.