Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Good morning,

Science fair preparations are well underway! We have some big due dates in the next two weeks. Here are the remaining science fair due dates:
Record your results. Draw conclusions.
Start your project essay.
Begin work on project display poster.
Turn in the project essay to Ms. White.
Turn in project display poster to homeroom teacher .
Present project and turn in project packet.
5th Grade Science Fair 6PM-7PM in Arete Gym.

Some projects take a little more time to conduct than others, however all essays must be complete and turned in on 11/18 and all display posters must be complete and turned in on 11/22. A failed hypothesis is still a wonderful project! That is part of science and students should not be discouraged if their hypothesis was wrong. The bold due dates are hard deadlines.

Please let Ms. White or myself know if you have any questions or concerns.