Throughout Western
civilization, bards have been keepers of tradition, reciting the poetry of
their people and passing on oral history. At every grade level, our students
practice memorization and recitation of poems in the classroom. This year, we
will again be joining our fellow Great Hearts schools in holding a Bard
Competition for our 3rd through 5th grade students, whom
we will challenge to memorize and recite poetry. Over the course of two rounds
and two poems, we will winnow the field to find our school’s most skillful
bard. That student will be named School Bard for the year and will represent
Archway Arete at the Great Hearts Archway Bard Competition in the spring.
your student is interested in competing, you can download the competition
guidelines and registration form attached to this e-mail. These forms will also
be available through the School Office or your student’s teacher. Whether your
student participates or not, we invite all of our Archway families to join us
for these public recitations, which promise to be engaging reminders of this
oral tradition.
you have any questions about the Bard Competition, please contact Mrs. Bowers
at kbowers@archwayarete.org.
Grade Teacher