Monday, February 13, 2017

Updates and announcements

What a busy and exciting week we have ahead of us! Students get too look forward to both Great Hearts Day and Athletic Field Day this week.

Tomorrow, 2/14, is Great Hearts Day. While we do not need volunteers to come in, we will be making a “Friendship Snack Mix”. Students will bring in a sandwich bag of their favorite dry snack (NUT FREE), and we mix all the snacks together and redistribute. Students will also be writing and decorating acrostic poems for each other. If you have any spare scrapbooking or decorating supplies to donate for this, please let me know if you can send them in tomorrow.

Class picture day is on Thursday, 2/16.

Athletic Field Day is on Friday, 2/17. We are still in need of one more parent volunteer and a cooler with wheels. If you are able to donate one for the day, or volunteer, please email me.

Our week in learning

We are enjoying reading and discussing The Secret Garden, we will continue this novel study for about two more weeks.

Students should have completed an outline of the body of their paragraph at this point. This week we will be completing our rough drafts and peer and self-editing and will be ready to type essays in class the following week. Students should be working on their projects at home. We will begin presentations on Tuesday, February 21st. Please let Mrs. Anderson know if you have any questions regarding these!

We will have our quiz over Roots 62-65 on Wednesday.  Students should study these nightly!

We introduced our new poem, I, Too, by Langston Hughes last week. We will recite these poems on Wednesday, February 15th (Note the date change!).

This week in science we will be reviewing plant anatomy, taking a quiz Tuesday, and then learning about Photosynthesis for the rest of the week.

This week, students will finish learning about the Age of Exploration. We will learn about Sir Francis Drake’s journey around the world, the French and Dutch explorers, and the growth of slavery during the Age of Exploration. Please note that the topic of slavery is very serious and we will be discussing the brutality of the middle passage. This chapter will be discussed with homeroom teachers on Friday. Students will be getting their study guides on Monday, 2/13 due on Wednesday 2/22. The test will also be on Wednesday 2/22. We will go over the study guide on Tuesday, 2/21.

We are continuing our study of decimals this week and will be practicing multiplying decimals by decimals. As we prepare for AZMerit, we are aiming to complete this chapter in a timely manner and therefore will not be having math groups this week. We will keep you posted on the next time they are scheduled!